
Far-East World Evangelism

The Far-East World Evangelism is a work dedicated to preaching God's Word throughout the world. Mission works include such works as "Four Seas College of the Bible and Missions" in Singapore, which has been in operation for many years and helped to educate men and women in the Word of God and enable them to go back and teach God's Word in their home countries of China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, etc.

Additionally, Far East / World Evangelism does extensive work in southern India. Brother Joshua Gootam preaches the Gospel via Satellite Television, radio, and magazines. The church operates its own printing press which not only prints magazines and tracts, but also the Basic Bible Course, written by Ira Y. Rice, Jr., which is in very much demand in India. There are some 20,000 Bible courses being taken at any given time throughout India. Over three million people have taken this Bible course.

Mission work is also taking place above the Arctic Circle in Murmansk, Russia. When this city was first visited in 1992, the people who were converted to Christ pleaded with us not to leave them without instruction from God's Word. We have continued to this very day preaching God's Word in this city of some 500,000 people. Murmansk, although located above the Arctic Circle, has a warm water current which flows from Jacksonville, FL up to Murmansk, Russia. As a results of this warm water current the port in Murmansk remains open year round, even in the winter months. Brother Robert Hawkins lived in Murmansk many years before moving back to the States. Today brother Cliff Lyons, whose work is overseen by the Southaven Church of Christ in Southaven, MS, continues to live and work in Murmansk. The church also operates a school where locals can be instructed in the Word of God, free of charge. Brethren Larry Fife and Billy Bland also assist in the work.

The Far East / World Evangelism is under the oversight of the Coldwater Church of Christ, Coldwater, MS. Thanks for your interest in this work. If you have any questions please fill out the form below.



 If would like more information or have any questions please reach out to us.



Tim II and Rachel are dedicated to working for the Lord both in foreign fields and here in the United States.

In their overseas work, with NetCasters, they have been deeply involved in the Philippines and are now expanding to work in many other places as well with the goal of building up existing congregations AND taking the Gospel where it has never been.

Tim and Rachel do a great deal of work in the States training soul winners through the Fishers of Men evangelism training course. Tim II is a full-time FOM instructor, and director of the ministry. FOM is a an intensive, how-to training course on person-to-person evangelism.

Tim II began doing foreign mission work in 1996. In 2011, he resigned from full-time pulpit work to go into full-time missions, splitting his time with overseas campaigns and teaching Fishers of Men. For almost three years, He and Rachel worked with experienced missionaries before making the prayerful decision to use the experience they gained to expand the Lord’s work in other places. They had learned a great deal about working in the mission field, leading campaigns, and had a part in the establishment of several new congregations of the Lord’s church. Using what they learned, they prayerfully took another step out on faith to accomplish more for the Cause of Christ and started NetCasters.


NetCasters is dedicated to winning souls and training soul winners. They are blessed to have numerous opportunities before them to work for the Cause of Christ and expand the borders of the kingdom.

The strategy used for world missions is adopted from the greatest world missionary the church has ever seen - the apostle Paul! The focus is to establish new congregations in cities, towns, and villages where there previously had not been a congregation of the Lord’s church, and to build up previously established congregations.

A Family Effort!

The main objective for Tim, of course, is to preach and teach in group settings and conduct many, many Bible studies on a more personal level, guiding people to discover God’s Truth.

Rachel has also been involved in this work for the Lord. In addition to aiding Tim with Bible studies, she has been able to work in the pharmacy as we conduct medical missions, she has been able to speak to ladies, and has worked with numerous children (as pictured). She has been a great blessing to this work for the Lord.

Even our children, Titus, Abigail, and Lily have been a part of this work. They have been on campaigns in the Philippines and made many new friends. Also, because the Filipino’s love them so much, they help to open doors of opportunity to bring souls to Christ!

What a Blessing It Is For Our Family to Be In This Work Together!

Fishers Of Men

This ministry is a 12-week training course in person-to-person evangelism. There are eleven 2-1/2 hour classes held once a week for eleven consecutive weeks. Students receive their homework at the first class and a graduation banquet is held following the last class. Therefore, the duration of the course is normally about 12 weeks. Each student enrolled in the course is asked to commit themselves to faithfully attending the classes and completing all assigned homework, averaging about an hour each day.

The curriculum is geared to the standard member of the church of Christ with little or no experience in teaching the gospel. The Fishers Of Men (FOM) course entails daily Bible study and training in methods of how to reach and teach lost souls.

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